
LFW Burberry Prorsum Guest list.

Hello! Today I went to Hyde Park to see the guests at the Burberry Prorsum catwalk. I hoped not see much but finally I saw and photographed Emmanuelle Alt of Vogue Paris, Alexa Chung and Clemence Poesy. Three women who inspire me. I have also photographed Delivigne Popy, Will I Am, Franca Sozzani, the DJ Leigh Lezark and Scott Shuman Garance Dore with his wife, two photographers that I love.
Sorry for the quality of the images, I took the pictures with a Canon 550d but the lens was not enough, I have extended the pictures so you can see them better.

I hope you like it

pictures by me and Lou.

1 comment:

  1. loving your blog, keep it up!
    i'll be coming back for sure!

